Beginner Course
Please read all of the information below prior to enrolling
Valley Roots Studio’s expansive 4-day Fine Line Tattoo Training course will give you all the tools and knowledge to start your career with one of the most in-demand services in the industry!
You do NOT need to have any tattooing experience to take this course - it was created for Aspiring Artists, and is jam-packed with a variety of educational techniques for all learning styles; including audio and visual presentations, a 50 page take-home manual, live demos, 20+ hours of hands-on practice, and a packed starter kit.
Our Beginner Fine Line Tattoo Training is hosted by Valley Roots Studio's Owner and Senior Artist, Britt Steel. This course is intended to teach her popular and signature minimalist Fine Line Tattoo style.
A Certificate of Completion will be provided at the end of class.
Total cost for course is $3,900.
Health, safety, and sanitation
Skin anatomy and tattoo placement
Tattoo machine and needle terminology
Fine line work and shading techniques
Tattoo design and software
Licensing requirements, systems, and business set up
A $1,000 deposit is required at time of enrollment.
The remaining balance of $2,900 must be paid 14 days prior to course start date.
Prior to the first day of class, you must obtain the following:
Apple iPad, Apple Pencil, and Procreate app
You are also responsible for providing your own model.
This is typically a friend or family member, who you are comfortable working on. Please let us know if you are having trouble securing a model, and we will do our best to help!
Wireless tattoo machine
Tattoo cartridges
Tattoo glide
Tattoo stencil printer and paper
Tattoo practice pads
Adhesive wrap
Barrier film
Ink cups
Sharps container
Shaving razors
Stencil applicator
Disposable sanitary equipment
And lots more!
Safety, contraindications, consent forms, skin anatomy, introduction to machine and needle terminology, design software.
Tattooing in the State of WA, business systems and tools, tattoo application, line and shading techniques.
Practice on fake skin, observe Britt conduct end-to-end tattoo appointment.
Students complete a tattoo on a live model.
Thursday 04/17 - Sunday 04/20
3 seats remaining