Specializing in Lip Blush and Eyeliner.
You must review the Precare information prior to booking.
Lip Blush │ $400
Lip Blush is a way to enhance your lip's natural shape by reinforcing your lip border, restoring pigment loss, and giving your lips a pop of color. Lip Blush can be done in a soft, natural color for a "gloss-and-go" look, or a more dramatic color to replace your lipstick routine.
Upper Lash Line Enhancement │ $300
A lash line enhancement is the process of tattooing color along the top of your eyelashes, as well as in between, for subtle definition of your natural eye shape.
Upper + Lower Lash Line Enhancement │ $350
6-10 Weeks│ $150
Required perfecting session for all Lip Blush and Eyeliner appointments.
3-12 Months│ $200
12-18 Months│ $250
18-24 Months│ $300
Available only after in-person or virtual consultation. Email clear, well-lit photos of your bare lips or eyeliner to anewleafink@gmail.com
Contact Emily
(425) 350-4944 • anewleafink@gmail.com